Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Fibromyalgia Pain Sufferers Discover New Treatment For The Pain Of Fibromyalgia.

By Michael Pritsker

Fibromyalgia can be a painful condition. Fibromyalgia is a terrible condition that not only robs you of strength and motivation, but also in severe cases, can even strip you of the will to live. There is a step-by-step guide on how to stop suffering from fibromyalgia. This is despite of how hard you've tried before.

Some say that if you've been suffering from Fibromyalgia, it's not surprising if the pain and agony that you're going though makes you want to cry or even wish you would die. At the least, it makes even the strongest minded individual stop and ask why me.

Those suffering from fibromyalgia must want their life back. They must wish they could end the suffering and feel thrilled and alive again. If you're like most sufferers, you've experienced so many different treatment options. Some of these options are taking the medications. You've probably went to doctors, you've tried the magic oils, and you've probably even gotten some type of therapy. It's hard to believe anyone anymore. It's even affecting your quality of life and time with your family. When you finally get a chance to unwind and enjoy yourself it attacks. Let's say you're out with your other half, or you have a chance to soak up some time to yourself. Maybe you'd like see a movie, grab dinner, or just simply have a nice evening out with your family. Then it occurs. It comes up and sets in.

Your night is ruined. You can't enjoy even a waking moment. You go home, get in bed and try to at least to have a good night's sleep but you end up sleeping poorly. The next day you awake to feeling chronically tired or even depressed. The cycle seems to repeat itself and go on and on. You just want the pain to stop more than anything else, and you should! You deserve more. You deserve to live your life again. There has to be a way for this horror of a nightmare to stop!

Fibromyalgia affects two percent of people in the US. In this article you are going to find out how to make it end. Here are some facts that you must know about fibromyalgia. First, diagnosing fibromyalgia properly is no easy task. The underlying cause of fibromyalgia is unidentified. The pain can vary from day to day. Traditional medicine is focused on organization of the symptoms.

Fibromyalgia can become a crippling disease. It ruins the lives of millions of people each year. This is because they never spend the time focusing in on the source of the problem. Most of the recent research on Fibromyalgia points to brain stem injury and malfunction as the major cause of Fibromyalgia. Sometimes a simple nerve system evaluation can detect the exact problem.

There are three fibromyalgia myths that should be avoided. These are the three myths that cause you greater pain and suffering and make your fibromyalgia worse. This is a large problem that affects many people. Many people are told by doctors and friends that the fibromyalgia is all in their head or that they just need to discontinue stressing so much and cool down.

Here are the three biggest myths about Fibromyalgia. Believing these will never get you the results you want and may make things worse. The first one is hoping that physical activity or exercise will work by itself. Exercise is important, but it sometimes makes the problem worse without first identifying the true cause of the symptoms. The second is hoping the problem will go away by itself. This is ludicrous. Fibromyalgia gets worse as it gets ignored. People that put off the correct treatment can look forward to even more pain and suffering down the road. The third is taking doses and doses of medication to alleviate the pain. This is most dangerous of all the fallacies. Medication or pain killers, and mind altering drugs pump chemicals into your brain to fool it and make it think the problem is gone. All the while, because of mistreatment and neglect the problem gets worse. But that's the not as bad as the terrible side effects of pain killers and medication. Medication is the worse alternative to healing and eliminating Fibromyalgia. Not only does it make the condition worse, but it also creates additional problems and even dependency on medication.

There is a way you can get rid of your Fibromyalgia and rapidly become pain free without drugs, pills, or surgery, and get your life back without losing any more value time and missing out on the quality of life you ought to have. There are safe and simple ways you could become pain free opening today.

There are some great natural alternatives to eliminate the pain of fibromyalgia. There are many that don't involve drugs and surgery. Three successful techniques are specific nutrition, a fibromyalgia exercise plan, and specialized Fibromyalgia chiropractic care. First of all, nourishment is extremely important. Overall you should take a good multivitamin, a mega mineral supplement, a B-complex vitamin, an antioxidant supplement, and 5 servings of fruits and vegetables every day. These are just the basics when it comes to nutrition.

To consider second is exercise. Proper exercise that doesn't make your condition worse is an important component of any Fibromyalgia treatment agenda. You should have a basic fitness agenda that doesn't irritate your form. You want to set realistic goals and start unhurried and build yourself up. Just make sure you keep it simple and don't overdo it.

The final technique and probably the most important is specialized Fibromyalgia chiropractic care. Vertebrae can shift out of place due to trauma, tension, and toxins. It's important to go to a doctor that will focus on all the causes that may be associated with Fibromyalgia. This specialty chiropractic care is available in San Diego. If a vertebra in the spine moves out of place, you can have nerve interference that affects the way your body functions and cause the pain associated with Fibromyalgia.

If you ever want to eliminate Fibromyalgia, you must get to the root of the problem and correct the cause. When you treat the cause and not just mask the symptoms, then getting rid of Fibromyalgia is easier than you think.

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Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Fibromyalgia and Natural Treatments

By Michelle Cline

Fibromyalgia is a medical syndrome that effects around 10 million Americans featuring symptoms like chronic and acute pain, depression, insomnia issues, bowel problems, exhaustion and a variety of other linked conditions. There is no cure for Fibromyalgia, but effective treatment of Fibromyalgia symptoms is achievable and the condition can become managed such that patients are able to experience rewarding lives.

Treating Fibromyalgia correctly has been shown extremely hard as people are likely to be affected by treatment plans differently. Those things that may be very effective for one patient may make another come to feel worse. While medication focused treatment plans are out there they do not represent a cure and even for the best possible drugs, individuals that respond well may only anticipate a 50% reduction in some symptoms. Many affected individuals however will discover that the prescription drug choices produce negative effects which make them intolerable.

Numerous studies have indicated that a variety of natural remedies and natural treatment options are useful in the treatment of Fibromyalgia symptoms. Similar to drug focused treatments, most Fibromyalgia natural treatment methods will only be effective for a small number of patients. The reality of Fibromyalgia treatment is that each patient must over time and by using an ongoing process of trial and error, test out a number of treatment options in order to develop a combination of approaches that will perform best for them.

Fibromyalgia natural treatment procedures can often be overwhelming to patients. There are many hundreds of different nutritional supplements and alternative solutions. Treatment therapy options exist by the dozen. Diet alteration choices are infinite. You can find many different exercise options. All of these things, and combinations of them, have proved through research studies as helpful Fibromyalgia natural treatment.

Patients need to research various natural treatments from both a causal and symptom perspective. Look for options that are able to address specific challenging symptoms, and also evaluate treatment procedures for common Fibromyalgia causal symptoms such as sleep issues, depression, stress and anxiety.

Melatonin is a natural substance produced in the body that works to help manage the sleep cycle. For many people, melatonin supplements are usually very effective at improving upon overall sleep quality. 5-HTP is another common supplement which can help with sleep problems and it has also been demonstrated to assist with depression and anxiety.

A number of natural remedies can be useful in decreasing pain including Capsaicin cream made out of the hot component of certain peppers. Vitamin D, Magnesium, SAMe, CoQ10, Carnitine and Vitamin B12 can certainly all play a role not only in helping to reduce muscular pain but additionally with joint pain and headaches. Care must be taken to experiment with each new health supplement individually to be able to isolate results. Affected individuals should keep an accurate record of their symptoms when evaluating a new treatment alternative in order to ensure a correct evaluation.

Not all effective treatment will come in a pill! Some of the proven Fibromyalgia natural treatments involve therapies. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Relaxation Therapy and Behavioral Modification Therapy have all demonstrated excellent results in helping Fibromyalgia patients combat stress, anxiety, depression, sleep issues and other key causal factors connected to Fibromyalgia. One can find dozens of therapy options and patients should strive to incorporate therapy, exercise, diet changes, nutritional supplements and natural options into an individualized combined therapy approach.

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Saturday, July 14, 2012

Vitamin D for Fibromyalgia

By Shellie Cagle

Vitamin D is an essential dietary component needed by the human body. Vitamin D helps our bodies absorb calcium which happens to be necessary to bone formation and the maintenance of healthy bones. Vitamin D deficiency can result in thin bones and medical problems like Rickets in children and Osteoporosis in grown-ups. Vitamin D also plays a key role in the way the body operates muscle movement and nerve signal transmission in the nervous system. Vitamin D also performs an essential function in over-all immune system support.

Vitamin D deficiency symptoms may include deep muscular aching and weakness in the muscular tissues, flu like symptoms, kidney issues, gum disease, cardiovascular problems, depressive disorders and various other mental health issues. Because Vitamin D is important in how nerve signals are carried, too little Vitamin D can result in symptoms associated with other health issues to be amplified.

Vitamin D is not abundant in food products. It is available in a small number of food items including fatty fish, beef liver, cheeses and egg yolks but people deficient in Vitamin D as a rule tend to increase their intake via supplements. This can be achieved using fortified foods such as milk, whole grain cereal, juices, and yogurt that often have Vitamin D added. The natural method to supplement Vitamin D is actually through boosted exposure to natural light as Vitamin D is naturally provided through the skin from sunlight. For people who have to stay away from direct sunlight or need to have additional amounts, Vitamin D can be purchased as a dietary supplement and is often a part of many multi-vitamins.

A great many Americans are deficient in Vitamin D and this can be confirmed via a blood test. If Vitamin D is found lacking, the use of a supplement is normally well tolerated by the body but using an excess of can cause negative side effects such as nausea, vomiting, constipation, weakness or weight loss but these issues are very rare.

Fibromyalgia is a persistent pain ailment characterized by widespread, constant pain over a significant stretch of time. Other issues of Fibromyalgia include low energy, muscular weakness, poor sleep, depression, headaches and multiple other symptoms. Medical studies have indicated that as much as 80% of Fibromyalgia patients may be deficient in Vitamin D.

Vitamin D deficiency symptoms relative to Fibromyalgia characteristically include a worsening of the nerve pain signaling that is a hallmark of Fibromyalgia. Increased pain, cramping, stiffness and muscular tightness are all common symptoms of Fibromyalgia which can be made worse by a deficiency of Vitamin D. Whether or not a Vitamin D deficiency functions as a primary cause of these symptoms in Fibromyalgia isn't known, but reports have established that Fibromyalgia patients will often benefit from the supplementing of their diet with Vitamin D. Because trying Vitamin D is relatively inexpensive and simple it's a superb treatment option to test for Fibromyalgia patients that suffer from symptoms that can also be associated with Vitamin D deficiency.

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Saturday, June 16, 2012

Fibromyalgia Tender Points

By Greg Fields

Tender points in Fibromyalgia are certain places on the body that can be extremely tender to the touch but which typically don't ache or radiate any pain with a lack of pressure. Tender points are typically found in 18 mapped spots around the body. These include the front and back of the neck, the upper part of the chest area, the lower backside of the neck into the shoulders, the shoulder blades, back, hips and within the knee. The locations of tender points can change from patient to patient and tender points are able to appear and vanish. The painful sensation linked with tender points can go from really mild to serious.

Tender points can be uncommonly painful when even very minimal touch is applied to the area. Some individuals can experience tender point discomfort so harsh that even putting on clothing that touches the area could result in discomfort. Other individuals may experience mild tender points that will often appear and vanish. While tender point pain doesn't generally spread to near by tissue or result in sustained pain even if no pressure is being exerted , this is not the case for all patients. For some, tender point pain may be experienced on some level all of the time.

When the original diagnosing criteria for Fibromyalgia were published in 1990 by the American College of Rheumatology, the clear presence of active tender points in at least 11 of the 18 established locations was a diagnosing requirement. These diagnostic measures have since been changed. Now while tender points are still a recognized distinguishing characteristic of Fibromyalgia, their presence is not the only requirement for a clinical diagnosis of Fibromyalgia. Some Fibromyalgia patients don't feel tender points in any way.

There has been substantial misunderstanding about tender points. Many sources of data about Fibromyalgia, including many medical professionals, confuse tender points in Fibromyalgia with trigger points. There are distinct differences between the two. Trigger points pertains to a commonly shared symptom between Fibromyalgia and Myofascial Pain Syndrome. A Myofascial trigger point is a painful firm knot of muscle tissue found in the connective tissue near muscles and bone. These dense cramped knots generally radiate constant pain and can have an effect on surrounding tissue. They can be highly unpleasant to touch which regularly results in their confusion with tender points, but the presence of the hard ball of cramped muscle tissue and the continuing radiating quality of the pain is the distinguishing characteristic between trigger points and tender points. The misunderstanding between these two sets of symptoms is made even worse by the fact that a large number ofFibromyalgia patients may suffer with both tender points and trigger points.

Treating Fibromyalgia tender points is difficult. As with many of the treatment approaches for Fibromyalgia, what may do well for one individual may do zilch for another. Many people treat tender points with drugs, nutritional supplements, moderate exercise, therapy options and modifications in diet. The most effective means of treatment might be a mixture of one or two approaches. The secret to effective treatment is to work in collaboration with doctors and test various treatment possibilities to define over a period of time what is going to be most effective for the individual.

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Monday, May 21, 2012

Tips For Fibromyalgia Natural Treatment

By Joseph Yuranovich

Many people dealing with fibromyalgia are always at cross roads, especially after the conventional medicine have failed to serve their purpose. This only means they have to look for an alternative route, and most settle for the natural treatment of fibromyalgia. However, before they start on it, they always wonder where to start, and how to start this type of treatment.

However, there is a lot to understand about the natural treatment of fibromyalgia. Just because it is natural, it does not mean that one just has to jump in and expect a cure. There are things to do and things that should never be done.

Because the natural treatment of fibromyalgia has not been endorsed by medical bodies as legit, who are practitioners may not be able to exactly pinpoint what a person dealing with fibromyalgia may be dealing with due to its complexity. This is because it may have symptoms that can be easily be found in other disease cases, thus may result in misdiagnosis of the disease. Basically the whole concept of the natural treatment of fibromyalgia is to expose the individual to other alternative forms of medicine which he can use to alleviate his pain and therefore better his life.

Fibromyalgia is greatly induced by the difference in the hormonal balance between the adrenal, thyroid and ovarian hormones. To achieve this, gentle phytotherapy, which works within a woman's metabolic pathways is used.Infectious organisms like bacteria and viruses could be one of the causes of your symptoms. Also, allergies play a major role in triggering fibromyalgia.

A person dealing with fibromyalgia must have quality nutrition plan and balanced diet. This must include fresh foods, i.e. mainly fruits and vegetables, and also high quality fats and proteins.

A woman dealing with fibromyalgia must learn to control her emotions. This is because emotions can trigger the symptoms of fibromyalgia. Those people suffering from fibromyalgia should try to remain stress free as much as possible. They should channel their frustrations and stress outwards and away from their bodies, using various activities like maybe knitting or a hobby of some sort. Also such patients can practice yoga to attain inner peace.

The important thing is to work on a proper diet. Diet is very crucial to the fibromyalgic person. This is because the right diet can help remove some of the symptoms of fibromyalgia.

Implementing a balanced diet will result in your body being able to function correctly thus strenghten your immune-system. As a result all those infections that are caused by fibromyalgia weakening the body's defense systems will be eliminated.

Exercise is important to exercise so as to avoid the muscles always being slack. This will greatly improve on fitness as well as the lack of refreshing sleep, improved cognitive function and a better emotional state.

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Friday, February 17, 2012

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Fibromyalgia

By Rita Jung

Diagnosis and life with chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, Raynaud's syndrome as well as other not-fully recognized or explained health circumstances might be troublesome. It really is challenging to accept that within the 21st century, medical science continues to be helpless and has no rationalization or cure for health circumstances that carry on to feel debilitating.

Fibromyalgia, for instance, has typically been an indicator for your chronic fatigue syndrome and vice versa. Clients identified with fibromyalgia have also revealed chronic fatigue amongst the principal symptoms. The issue is the way to address these 2 unique syndromes in a single healing method in order that the affected person that is suffering from them both improves life and finds relief from the symptoms. What is most hard with chronic fatigue syndrome fibromyalgia is always that not simply medical professionals find it challenging to diagnose but that colleagues, friends and family might not imagine the individual is definitely ill.

The symptoms range from person to person, and when they turn out to be debilitating, it's very difficult to cope with them. Could a sufferer struggling from chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia or various other 'misunderstood' well being trouble lead a normal lifestyle? Everything is dependent within the seriousness of this symptoms, on what healing method is picked to relieve the symptoms and within the overall health care history of this affected person. The age along with the psychological-emotional help the affected person receives may also be important within this formula.

In addition to overlapping chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, there could show up other health troubles going in parallel and of the related nature:

-irritable bowel syndrome;

-chest pain (costochondritis);

-multiple chemical sensitivity;

-temporo-mandibular joint syndrome (TMJ);

-restless legs syndrome;

-myofascial pain syndrome.

The ache and fatigue period may be challenging to break or manage. Occasionally more intensive ways are taken to increase the sufferer's comfort levels. The prognosis for chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia or virtually any of this overlapping conditions above isn't guaranteeing. The symptoms might decrease, there exists good response to some healing approaches, however, that isn't sufficient.

The symptoms might reappears again ., as well as the affected person typically has to be psychologically and emotionally equipped to cope with that. It can be a battle which sometimes lasts for a life time, but a great deal of men and women have fought that effectively. In case you are identified with fibromyalgia or CFS, you must also search for medical health care specialised in this kind of troubles, as well as for help groups in your geographical region or on the web. Hopefully, existing and potential study will come up with more conclusive data on this kind of well being troubles!

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Saturday, February 11, 2012

What's Fibromyalgia?

By Dr. Steven Yen

To date, the medical world has not reached a general agreement on what fibromyalgia is. Although the term fibromyalgia has been about since 1976, and the American School of Rheumatology had released the factors for diagnosing fibromyalgia in 1990, doctors still have difficulties describing what fibromyalgia is, what causes it, and more importantly how to treat patients with fibromyalgia.

Fibromyalgia is fundamentally is a term used to described patients with wide spread chronic and debilitating pain, alone with harsh fatigue. Often times, other physical exams and tests were performed to rule out other underlying conditions before patients were labeled with fibromyalgia.

Fundamentally, if you are experiencing discomfort and fatigue for an extended period, and the doctors are not capable of finding what the root of your discomfort and fatigue, eventually you will be given the label "fibromyalgia". Sadly, once you've been given the diagnosis of fibromyalgia, many doctors will actually stop investigating what is truly going on with your body and you are sent home with numerous combinations of analgesics, muscle relaxants, and anti-depressants.

There is still isn't any accord on what fibromyalgia is. It is still a complex set of signs and symptoms, and each patient is different with symptoms and severity. Simply to be given the diagnosis of fibromyalgia isn't enough. You need to work with your doctor to discover in particular what is happening with your body and come up with a treatment plan that is suitable to what's going on with your body.

So , What's Fibromyalgia?

Fibromyalgia is muscle and connective tissues discomfort (fibro=fibrous tissue, myo=muscle, algos=pain). It's categorized as a chronic, widespread pain and increased pain response to mild touch. It can be weakening to any person afflicted by the syndrome.

Fibromyalgia is commonly caused by a single, traumatising event and, for unknown reasons, even though it affects women more frequently than men, children and males can still suffer the pains of fibro.

Fibromyalgia Symptoms

According to the North American School of Rheumatology, there are 18 places on the body where someone with fibro could feel discomfort or sensitivity. If you find you hurt in at least eleven of these spots, you may have fibro. The 18 tender spots actually mirror each other on the right and left sides of the body in nine places:

- The base of the skull the base of the neck where the shoulders begin

- The top of the shoulders towards the back

- On or between the shoulder blades

- At the top of the hip (backside)

- On the exterior of the hip

- On the fat pad over the knee

- The breast bone

- On the outer edge of the forearm just under the elbow

Besides these diagnostic points, other common symptoms of fibromyalgia include:

- Widespread pain in the muscles, tendons and ligaments, regularly where they stick to the bone

- Mild to dreadful fatigue

- Muscle seizures and cramps

- Revulsion

- Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)

- Temperomandibular joint dysfunction syndrome (TMJ)

- Cognitive and/or memory impairment, also known as ibro-fog?or rain mist?

- Morning rigidity

- Anxiousness

- Depression

- Persistent tension or headaches, often dreadful

- Dysmenorrhea (unpleasant periods)

- Sleep problems like insomnia, restless leg syndrome (RLS), sleep apnea, continual limb movement disorder (PLMD), and - - Bruxism (teeth grinding)

- Giddiness/vertigo, regularly accompanied by revulsion

- Exacerbated allergy symptoms (having an effect on the nasal passages)

- Muscle weakness and twitching

- Impaired coordination

- Sensitiveness to odors, bright lights, loud noises, and medicines

- Low tolerance for exercise and physical effort in general (can cause muscle discomfort for days afterwards)

If you believe you have fibromyalgia, it can feel a bit like a unfair battle trying to find a doctor who believes you and who believes it to be a real health problem. If one doctor downplays the grim reality of the condition, seek another opinion . A rheumatologist who focuses on fibro and protracted fatigue would be a sensible choice.

Your health practitioner should check each one of the 18 spots for tenderness. They should not have to press hard; even light force on these areas may cause pain. If, at the time of the exam, you don't experience pain in some of the areas that you have before, be certain to inform your health practitioner. Fibromyalgia can seem to have a mind. Of its own, as some symptoms will appear and vanish.

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Thursday, February 9, 2012

Fibromyalgia Treatment

By Dr. Steven Yen

There is isn't one single cure for Fibromyalgia. And there is no single treatment that will address all of the fibromyalgia symptoms right now. As an alternative for the successful treatment of Fibromyalgia , a wide array of normal and alternative remedies has been demonstrated to be efficacious in treating this complicated syndrome. A treatment program may include a mix of medicines, exercises - both strengthening and aerobic conditioning - and behaviour techniques.

Reduce stress -Develop plans to avoid or limit overexertion and emotional stress. Permit yourself a little time each day to relax. Which will mean learning the way to say no without guilt. But try hard not to change your routine totally. Folks who quit work or drop all activity have a tendency to do worse than those that stay active. Try anxiety management methodologies, such as deep-breathing exercises or meditation.

Get sufficient sleep -Because fatigue is one of the key traits of fibromyalgia, getting sufficient sleep is essential. As well as allotting sufficient time for sleep, practice good sleep habits, such as going to bed and getting up at the same time every day and limiting daytime sleeping.

Exercise regularly -At first, exercise may raise your discomfort. But doing it gradually and constantly frequently decreases symptoms. Appropriate exercises may include walking, swimming, biking and water aerobics. A physical consultant will help you develop a home exercising schedule. Stretching, good posture and relaxation exercises also are beneficial.

Pace yourself -Keep your activity on an even level. If you do too much on your good days, you'll have more bad days. Moderation means not "overdoing it" on your good days, but likewise it implies not self-limiting or doing "too little" on the days when symptoms flare.

M aintain a healthy way of living - Eat healthy foods. Limit your caffeine intake. Do something that you find pleasurable and satisfying every day.

Fibromyalgia Drugs

To date, 3 drugs are approved by the FDA for treatment of fibromyalgia. Lyrica was first authorized as an anti-seizure drugs till it was given approval by the FDA for fibromyalgia treatment in June 2008. Cymbalta, and Savella are both SNRI (Serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibator) and were engineered to treat major depressive disorder.

Guaifenesin, an over the counter drug first approved by to FDA to thin out the mucus of your respiration track to help you breath easier have been made very popular for treatment of fibromyalgia by Dr. St. Amand and his Guaifenesin Custom and his book "What your Doctor may not Tell you About Fibromyalgia: The revolutionary treatment that will reverse the disease." Guaifenesin is thought to help relief fibromyalgia because of its ability to speed up the excretion of uric acid in your body, and by removing excess phsophate from your body.

Alternative Fibromyalgia Treatments

Unfortunately, many drug programs and traditional medical treatments wrongly focus on the relief of symptoms instead of the removal of the condition. This frequently leads patients to experience some short term relief, but they often suffer long term as their bodies are run ragged by the dosages. While many doctors will unfortunately target the symptoms, there are many alternative fibromyalgia treatments available that you can start using to control symptoms.

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Thursday, February 2, 2012

Ways to Cope with Fibromyalgia

By Steven Yen

Are you hunting for some everyday tips for for coping with Fibromyalgia symptoms? You are not alone!

Learning the best way to self-manage Fibromyalgia symptoms with exercise and other life-style habits is critical to enhance your mood, enhance your sleep, and relieve yourself from agony. As an example, many persons with Fibromyalgia are commonly caring for others, either by parenting or care giving for an older loved one. Yet they allow little to no time to look after their own fitness and well-being.

This is an issue because a persistent condition such as Fibromyalgia includes a full set of limitations. Those restrictions result from Fibromyalgia tender points, persistent fatigue, and ongoing agony and rigidity.

The constraints of Fibro can be reduced if you get the facts. Learn more about the illness and how it's handled. Seek the latest info on fibromyalgia and way of living habits. Get answers to your questions and take pro-active steps to concentrate on your healthfulness. With increased support, you can get your life and concerns in order.

Here are some simple methods you need to use in coping with Fibromyalgia:

1. Look after yourself FIRST

In my clinical experience with Fibromyalgia patients, plenty of you are loving and caring folk, actually too loving and too caring. You put other's wants before yours, and you confirm everybody else is watched over before you look after yourself. You overwork yourself to a point where you're wiped out just to make certain everybody's needs are satisfied, and many times you neglect your own health as you are just too busy... stop!!! You want to learn how to start saying NO! You need to be taught how to set a limit for yourself, you need to setup bounds so that others know when they have to give you rest and stop bothering you.

2. ASK for help

Cease to be too proud. Stop thinking you can do this by yourself. Fibromyalgia is a awfully difficult condition to live with, so don't try to handle everything yourself. It's ok to tell folks what you want help with. Just be honest with them and let them you what you can and cannot do.

3. Don't "own" your Fibromyalgia

You do not generally hear folks say "I'm experiencing discomfort or beat because of my cancer". Folk just say "I'm suffering discomfort because of cancer" or "I'm beat because of cancer". But too many times I've heard patienst say "I'm having a really bad day today due to MY fibromyalgia."

Stop pronouncing that!!!

When you are saying "my fibromyalgia", you are treating it as if it's something that is yours that you carry around in your purse or briefcase. Yes, you have fibromyalgia, and it's OK to tell folks when you have a flare up. Just say "I'm having a bad day because of fibromyalgia". Words are Strong. When you keep talking about your condition as "my fibromyalgia", you are telling yourself you own it and it will never goes away.

4. Get a good doctor that gives a damn

This is a hard one. Too many of my colleagues are still baffled by this condition. Some of them essentially still do not accept that fibro exists. In my view, that shows they are either not listening to their patients carefully enough, or they lack the capability keep themselves updated with the latest research available. There's absolutely no question that fibromyalgia is real and it can be successfully managed as long as both the doctor and the patients are willing to put in the effort!

The good news is that there are still many competent and merciful doctors out there, who do not treat their patients like numbers and are willing to spend the time to listen to you and analyze what is happening. It's important for you to find them. Look for these doctors and don't stop till you find one. They are out there and you should have them help you in this journey.

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